
Donate to the work of Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy

To donate, you may phone 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610.

Or, you may donate using any of the other easy ways listed below:

Donate by credit card or debit card

You may donate by credit card or debit card by calling our office at phone number above.

Or you can click the donate by credit card or debit card link.

(If you click the link, there are options to ‘Donate with PayPal’ or to ‘Donate with Debit or Credit Card.’ If you would like to donate by credit card or debit card, please select the second option provided after you click the link).

Donate by cheque

You may mail a cheque to:

Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy, 71108 Morrison Line, RR 3, Exeter, ON N0M 1S5

Make cheque payable to: Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy

You may also drop off a cheque at the office at 71108 Morrison Line, RR 3 Exeter, ON N0M 1S5.

Donate by e-Transfer

You may donate easily by e-Transfer using the email address

Be sure to let us know, in the e-Transfer message box/field of the e-Transfer, that the donation is for Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy and if the money is to go to a specific property or project.

If you would like to receive a charitable gift receipt for income tax purposes please be sure to include your mailing address and/or email address in the e-Transfer message box.

Donate in person

You are welcome to come into our office to donate by cash, debit, credit or cheque.

We are located at 71108 Morrison Line, two kilometres east of Exeter, just south of Highway 83.

You can also provide a cheque, to Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy, to one of the board members.

Thank you

Thank you for your help to preserve natural areas for generations to come – to the benefit of water, soil, habitat, and people.

However you choose to donate, we thank your for your support of your community.

It really makes a difference.